Designed for all weather conditions, it ensures that it effectively blocks UV rays and heat on sunny days and prevents rainwater from splashing into the car on rainy days, while maintaining good visibility and clarity.
Made of high-strength transparent PC material, it has excellent impact resistance and durability, not easy to scratch, and can still be used for a long time as new.
Easy and quick to install, no tools are needed to make it stable without affecting the aesthetics.
Behandlingstid: Alle bestillinger blir behandlet med hastighet og engasjement. Vi tar sikte på å sende bestillinger så raskt som mulig. bestillinger vil bli behandlet og sendt innen 24-48 timer i løpet av virkedager.
Leveringstid: Bestillinger som sendes i USA leveres vanligvis innen 2-5 virkedager, men kan i sjeldne tilfeller ta opptil 10 virkedager.
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